Analisis Estetika Visual Dalam Maskot Kota Tangerang Selatan Entong C-More
Form of a mascot is a way used by institutions or social institutions to introduce, influence, and build public perception of its groups, institutions, or products. For an area, the mascot is a pretty effective branding tool to build a public image on its distinctive, potential and communities in its region. The entong c-more mascot was the mascot of the Southern City of Tangerang who had a visual on a boy from the Betawi clan. By the City's Government, the mascot was formed to represent the Betawi clan as a majority citizen and to build the image of the Southern City Empire. The mascot is a product of both fine arts and character design that is not off the purely visual aesthetic. A message can be effective through a good aesthetic phase. Semiotics theory was used as a scalpel in examining the various visual marks on the mascot. The analysis of hermeneutics is done later to get the essence and the profound understanding of visual aesthetic interpretation.
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