Visualisasi Persamaan Gender Dalam Film Hati Merdeka (Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes)
The role of women in the public domain has always been a conversation for a long time. Gender inequality due to gender differences has become a passion for some groups that feel injustice to continue to voice gender equality. Stereotypes of women in Java are an example of how patriarchal culture subordinates the role of women in the private to public sphere. Film as an audiovisual media also strengthens the position of women by making women's bodies as commodification for profit. Hati Merdeka film uniquely seeks to show the other side of women who can break through the boundaries of their current gender position. Gender equality shown through senja and dayu characters in the film is widely depicted through acts of courage, ingenuity and intelligence in fighting Dutch colonization. This uniqueness ultimately motivated the author to research the Hati Merdeka film. Through the study of roland barthes semiotics analysis, visualizations will be obtained which is considered a form of gender equality between men and women in the form of the meaning of signs. The methodology used in the study is qualitatively descriptive in order to obtain in-depth results and conclusions about how the film packs Senja and Dayu characters who seek to voice gender equality in the midst of colonial situations and the strong influence of Patriarchal culture.
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