Daya Tahan Perusahaan Media Periklanan Luar Ruang Selama Masa Krisis Ekonomi Pandemi Covid19
Outdoor advertising media is one of the media that has been affected during the Covid-19 pandemic. Being outside the room or outside the house, outdoor media has become media that is not visible inside during the Covid19 pandemic. one way to survive, outdoor media advertising companies to improve services to clients so that they can continue to use their services in conducting promotions. The method used is qualitative based on SWOT analysis.
Based on the results obtained, outdoor advertising media companies have strengths that can be used in certain strategies and take advantage of the right opportunities at the same time so that they can reduce or avoid existing weaknesses and threats. This position is very beneficial for the company by improving the condition of the average ability above, they control the existing competitors as well as competitors who are fairly strong.
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