The Effect of Technology Characteristics and Campaign Characteristics on the intention to donate mediated by empathy (Study on Donors
The era of disruption 4.0 has driven Islamic philanthropic institutions to initiate a digital platform in the collection of ZIS, shifting from traditional ZIS collection strategies to digital ones that are increasingly easy, fast, transparent, and cost-effective. This research aims to analyze the role of technological characteristics and campaign characteristics in influencing the intention to donate on the platform, as well as testing empathy as a mediating variable. This study will be conducted on donors of located in Bekasi. The analysis tool used in this research is Structural Equation Modeling with the assistance of AMOS 22 software. The research findings indicate that technological characteristics and campaign characteristics influence the intention to donate. Additionally, the empathy variable plays an important role in mediating the relationship between technological characteristics and campaign characteristics and the intention to donate. This research makes a significant contribution to expanding the understanding of factors that influence the intention to donate in the context of online fundraising. By considering effective technological and campaign characteristics, as well as the role of empathy as a mediator, this research can help improve fundraising strategies and have a positive impact on in achieving their charitable goals.
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