Analysis of Factors Affecting the Intention to Donate on the Platform; Technology Acceptance Model Approach
In this day and age, the Crowdfunding platform is gaining popularity in fundraising for charitable causes. With the utilization of the internet, it allows for the acceptance of small donations from numerous individuals, which can fund specific programs or businesses through various crowdfunding platforms. The objective of this research is to measure the public's interest in donating on the digital platform, using the technology acceptance model (TAM) theory approach, with trust as an intervening variable. The method employed is quantitative research using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with AMOS 24 software, involving 127 respondents in Jakarta. The research findings indicate that perceived ease of use has a positive influence on trust, as does perceived usefulness. Additionally, both variables also have a positive impact on behavioral intention. Furthermore, trust also has a positive influence on behavioral intention. These findings provide a deeper understanding of the factors that influence public interest in donating through It is hoped that the results of this research can assist online donation platforms in enhancing usage, public trust, and motivating individuals to actively engage in contributing through the platform.
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