Pengaruh Product Knowledge Dan Electronic Word Of Mouth Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk Kecantikan Ms Glow Di Tangerang Selatan
Product knowledge is crucial in understanding the goods or services that consumers intend to purchase, addressing consumer doubts regarding the safety and benefits of a product. Furthermore, consumer purchasing decisions are influenced by the impetus of information and communication through Electronic Word of Mouth (EWOM). This research aims to explore the impact of product knowledge and Electronic Word of Mouth on consumer purchasing decisions for Ms Glow beauty products in South Tangerang City. The research employs a quantitative associative approach with the assistance of SMART PLS software. The sampling technique utilized is purposive sampling, with a total of 112 respondents. The findings indicate that both product knowledge and Electronic Word of Mouth (EWOM) have a positive and significant influence on the variable of consumer purchasing decisions. For a comprehensive overview of other important findings, please refer to the complete article.
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