Analisa Strategi Pengembangan Desa di Desa Sugihwaras Kecamatan Candi Sidoarjo

  • Nur Amiril 081330099941
  • Iis Herawati Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Ahmad Dahlan


Indonesia is currently developing in all fields, especially in developing Indonesia from remote villages. This development will be carried out on an ongoing basis to achieve the goals of Indonesia's development progress through the Village.

Village development is very important to achieve prosperity for the people of Indonesia, the potential that exists in the village is a very important element to be developed in order to support Indonesia's development. of course with good planning and management from the village government. The purpose of this research is to analyze the development strategy of Sugihwaras Village, Candi Subdistrict, Sidoarjo Regency using SWOT analysis, to determine internal and external strengths as well as opportunities and threats that will be faced by the Sugihwaras Village Government in developing the village. Through SWOT analysis it will be useful to determine strategic choices in understanding the potential of the village to be developed. The analytical tool that will be used in this study is to use the SWOT matrix approach and EFAS and IFAS weighting.
