Catalysts of Video-on-Demand Service Purchase Decisions: Evaluating the Impact of E-Service Quality and User Experience Among Netflix Users in East Jakarta

  • Hana Oktafianna Universitas Bakrie
Keywords: E-Service Quality, User Experience, Purchase Decision


This research investigates the impact of E-Service Quality and User Experience on Purchase Decisions of Video On-Demand Services among Netflix Users in East Jakarta. Data quality testing in this study employed validity and reliability tests. Data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The research findings indicate that e-service quality (X1) with a significance value of 0.000 < 0.05 rejects the null hypothesis (H0) and accepts the alternative hypothesis (H1), suggesting that e-service quality (X1) partially has a positive and significant influence on Purchase Decision. User Experience (X2) with a significance value of 0.000 < 0.05 also rejects H0 and accepts H1, indicating that User Experience (X2) partially has a significant influence on Purchase Decision. The F-value of 65.919 surpasses the critical value of 3.09 at a significance level of 0.05, indicating that both independent variables, e-service quality (X1) and user experience (X2), have a simultaneous effect on the dependent variable, Purchase Decision (Y).


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